> You know I'm still a tupper of my Highly Sensitive Person

Yes, and whereas my headmates seem to crave hardcore rules, and I've read online about how many others also want permadeath, I do still recall a young Bear who refused to maim or kill his characters (me). So I can understand that this could be both unwanted, not fun and traumatic.

> that this party was assembled for a divine mission of great importance

> I'm not sure about the optimal way to handle this

As far as I'm concerned this is about fairness and I am very against cheese, like what Bear used to do with save-scumming in Rimworld, I didn't like it then and don't like it now. Nor would I allow Frodo-esque death scenes where he's not really in any real danger.

So if the characters can never die, that's probably too safe and if they have a chance to die pointlessly, I also don't like that and SheShe and I can argue about it but I'm the DM here.

The way I read it, after level 9, characters are very hard to kill and keep dead. We're mostly talking about level 1-4 getting harder to kill the higher the level and with Revivify at level 5, the fear of death would be far less. 

> We would have to play for weeks IRL 

The pacing makes this a special case, yes, it may be too tedious. 

So it comes down to gold, you have none, if someone dies and its your fault, no one to pay for it, you're done for a while and if that's not fun then it violates rule #1 in the DMG, fun is the number 1 goal. I won't however just bend rules to save something lost after the fact. Loss is a part of life, no 'oops it was a dream sequence.'

> We certainly won't be reckless but death should not have such dramatic IRL consequences for the player.

I see now that you're not willing to accept the easiest answer I offered, a simple replacement, do as it turns out I am hosting a game with more humans than Ashley after all.

> The character should be able to return at least for the next mission.

We saw an anime once where the players would respawn but back at the temple, for free or for a set percentage of EXP. One step closer to realism would be you have to bring the body back to the temple or because of Yulya's connection to the temple perhaps they may be willing to offer a service once. It's just something that I'm considering.

> I already stated I cannot be revived by terms of magic or the church because I do not have a soul.

I believe I said you would then be immortal but if you think that's not satisfying then we can say that some reassembly is required, perhaps then a Frankenstein type aperatus to revive you with lightning costing no more than whatever cost we decided for the raise dead spell.

> I would rather propose that I slowly regenerate unless supplied with materials to speed things 

In this case, for you, I will let you dictate how you could be revived given the circumstances of your untimely demise but unless you say otherwise you cannot be permanently killed. Say it's nanobots or something else that can't be degraded or some other reason. If you get out of hand I'll reel you back, but otherwise I'll give you that option. Even disintegration could always leave a trace and a trace could slowly regrow GOTG Groot style.

> Also I cannot even be healed once in living metal form either

You would regenerate like anyone else on rest.

This was a good discussion, I have something to think about so thank you.