> Theilia 
flamboyant assassin

> war elephant 
Price and availability may be regional. I didn't see any war elephants walking around Neverwinter. You could perhaps get a rothé, but probably in a similar way you're in no position to train it or raise it.

> Josephia's perspective
This is an autonomous thoughtform character, so her views do not necessarily reflect those of the Bear system or their affiliates. I can only say this is her and her words persist. We have in many ways decoupled her will such that any resemblance to my or anyone else's will is just as much a surprise to us as it should be to you.

NPC's often say the darndest things.

This mind is capable of simulating whole scenarios with many thoughtforms without any consious input and Bear wrote a whole trilogy of books like that, they happen to be the series that Gwen was born in. It was his favorite series to write though it was also the longest spanning nearly a million words. My series was written with an outline and snowflake method so it had more structure but towards the end I was surprising him with my own free will, that was 2012. Gwen's books were 2014.  

SheShe's book is over 200k words now with lots of unique NPCs and someone like Freya would certainly gain independence through a book like this if that was still possible or not controlled.