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I really like the idea that Ashley can be a panther and next level one of my forms will be a Panther too, we'll be panther twins! Though she's more of a demon magic cursed panther and I'm a cute cuddly one. I don't know if my panther form will be as powerful as hers either.

In our run, Ashley and I are roughly the same age so that's also nice to have someone who is potentially more playful, we could panther wrestle! I'm so excited!

Ashley Panther is very cute too, she's been mostly affectionate to Bear but she let me pet her and that was fun too.

Now about our girl Ashley. So New Misha was trying to get Bear to admit that he's feeling self conscious because she had some vision that SheShe gave her with useful information but it was unverified, hpw to verify it would to know if Bear was bluffing, he was, so done but he put her through a little hell trying to drag it out of him and SheShe was doimg her part to try to disturb New Misha, it was funny, but not for her. So she ended up tackling Bear in the tent, yelling "YES!" Multiple times of course that was Ashley's cue to come in and look for something and saw New Misha on top of Bear yelling yes and you can imagine it was quite sitcom-ish but as you can also imagine Ashley over reacted and transformed and ran off.

Apparently a black panther in the dark with active stealth is hard to track down, go figure so we couldn't find her.

We spent the night worrying in our tent until she finally returned with a fox in her mouth. 

So Bear has a heart to heart with her, and Ashley Panther shows no sign of understanding any of it, she just wants Bear to dress the carcus and give her the innards minus entrails. So he dressed it and did that and she went to sleep in a corner of the tent.

When she woke, she sort of remembered the conversation but sort of also remembered that it was resolved and so no one brought up the drama and we continued on.

So Ashley being Ashley drama follows, but we didn't feed the drama either. We're trying to help her as a character and therefore as a person to grow up a bit. This is like her scenario training minus the shock collar.

I'm loving her with us overall though, I also can't wait to see how she handles combat with us. She's mostly the same as your version but I think I mentioned somewhere that her spawns are normal and not undead in our version. Otherwise we didn't change her in this timeline. So she doesn't do necrotic damage anymore in our version.