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> Whoa nice outfit Ashley Nya! You look dangerous Nya!

Ashley took down her hood, stands and spins as she smiles, "I'm super dangerous!"

> Cat raises the Pizella over her head with both paws like a priest does with a sacred host during a Holy Mass

I'm glad you like it Cat but it's meant for you to enjoy it, do keep it so long that it goes stale! 


> Awesome Ashley, now I'm not the only one in a weird outfit!

I like your outfit though. Ashley shrugs

> Alice gobbles up the small candy like a hamster stuffing seeds in his cheek pouches

I'm glad you... like it?

> Oh nice, thanks!
> Swallowing all that gold didn't go so well after all, not to speak of that mould from under the carriage!

I figured, I want to be more of a friend if we can, so at least if you have an upset stomach dealing with me, you can have some comfort.

> Wow, I didnt even recognize you for a moment! You look like a completely different person now! Definitely the face of our party!

Thanks. Her eyes sparkle as she smiles back

> Thank you!
> Oh dear you all we got you is a piece of soap and some chalk! I feel ashamed now! At least we can exchange candies!

Oh yum, thanks! Ashley puts it in her pocket.

> Uh uhhhhh thank you Ashley why did you waste your precious funds on me?

Because you're nice, keep it up.

> Now sit down! What equipment did you buy?

Ashley gushes about all her awesome stuff and how functional and necessary every single item is and how they're all mission critical.

[Joy] I'm still working on the other post with the sponsor, stay tuned.