thumbnail of fico assassination attempt 1.mp4
thumbnail of fico assassination attempt 1.mp4
fico assassination... mp4
(1.1 MB, 640x288 h264)
thumbnail of fico assassination attempt 2.mp4
thumbnail of fico assassination attempt 2.mp4
fico assassination... mp4
(3.04 MB, 810x720 h264)
thumbnail of fico assassination attempt 3.mp4
thumbnail of fico assassination attempt 3.mp4
fico assassination... mp4
(3.69 MB, 1080x600 h264)
thumbnail of fico shooter manifesto.mp4
thumbnail of fico shooter manifesto.mp4
fico shooter manifesto mp4
(5.17 MB, 1280x720 h264)
some lunatic shot slovak prime minister fico. im moderately sorry hes a pro russian anti euro retard like orban but that will make him a martyr and even worse the attacker was a legal gun owner. thats not gud antis will cry for more gun control again.