thumbnail of Panther--Leopard-Fight-by-Charles-Bull_art.jpg&v=1498394487.jpg
thumbnail of Panther--Leopard-Fight-by-Charles-Bull_art.jpg&v=1498394487.jpg
Panther--Leopard-Figh... jpg
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We're at Blackford Crossing where there's a small road heading south to Oakhurst, our destination. We arrived in a small town near the crossing, it's an unexpectedly rich town with expensive food and lodgings. It's costing us 7sp for 5.

Nice folk though there's even a few side quests, the bartender/innkeeper gave us one, and there are supposedly a few more if we explore.

We have a time sensitive quest we're on though so we might skip all that.

Ashley is being Ashley, she wants separate inventory and money even bought her own room (2sp) so ok. Whatever.

She's fun though, in our timeline she's my age so we're playing like kids and that's fun. I can't wait to spar with her panther to panther.