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Cat returns with the supplies and brings them to the room, then returns to the table.

You all eat, except Ashley, she already ate, and the food comes to 6sp, Yulya opens her coin pouch and after her reserved coin for the room and spa, 4sp and 12cp spill out.

Ashley realizes she didn't pay for last night and gives another 5 cp, then she realizes after everything is accounted for Yula can't cover the bill for dinner. So she pitches in another 1sp for that. Her coin purse is so light now you don't even hear jingles. 

After all planned expenditures Yulya has a combined total of 7 copper left.

"And I thought I was poor," Ashley chuckles, "maybe I should have been a rogue."

With all bills squared away the team strolls out and down the dark streets of Neverwinter. Down two alleyways following Freya's instructions [1d20=8] and they reach an unassuming building labeled "Jewel's Oasis."

They enter to find two young girls and an older ma'am standing by a desk. Without saying a word a girl takes Cat's paw, another takes Yulya's hand and they guide you through a back door down a long hallway and into a beautiful open air pool. The lined tropical themed wading pool is steaming in the crisp night air. Next to the door is a rack of cubbies and towels and several dressing room stalls. 

"Let's get this over with." Ashley says with a gruff tone and starts removing her outfit layer by layer. Once she gets to her robe, she enters one of the stalls and comes back out with the towel wrapped around her. With a sigh she stows her clothes and then runs to the ample pool and steps in and sits on the bottom, sinking to her chin.

The two girls bow and stand in near the door, watching.

You may check my account of your coin but I am pretty sure it's accurate. You're very broke.