lol be happy its girls and not guys running after you

im always surprised how bad looks and strength correlate there are a bunch of fat i mean really fat chicks in the gym look like those soviet weight lifter women on horse steroids. theyre unbelievable ugly and obese and look like theyd get a heart attack just by walking a few meters straight but they have crazy strength and endurance and could smoke me in just about any exercise. theyre also surprisingly flexible its ridiculous. theres also an old ex special forces guy that looks like a buddhist monk all bald thin and scrawny but hes also insanely strong all muscles and tendons no fat. looking buff does nothing. look at a chimp or orang utan - big belly and thin arms but those fuckers are stronger than an athlete even if they look like shit.

nice gainz for you though i feel i do look more muscular gained a bit weight thats probably muscles but nothing spectacular. i am significantly stronger in some exercises but not others its strange. so i am not sure but its probably better to invest more times in exercises i suck at.