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> Well we had a lot of fun but I guess it is time to leave before we cause a commotion. We need to rest so we are fit for our journey tomorrow!

With that everyone exits the pool, dries off and redresses.

Before the girls will move from the doors, they hold out their hands expectantly.

Yulya is about to give them the 12 silver, 9 of her own and 3 of Ashley's but Ashley stops her.

I've been fooled before.

She takes out 4 copper and hands two to each. 

They smile, bow and open the door.

Led by Ashley you walk back out and to the foyer where the ma'am is waiting. Ashley holds out her hand to Yulya.

Give me the coins.

Trusting that Ashley must know something with her strange intuition, she hands over most of the rest of her coins, 9 silver and 3 originally from Ashley.

Ashley holds the coins in her hand and addresses the ma'am, she faces the ma'am and stares her down a moment, then points down the hall then to the coins.

This is for the spa, 3 silver each.

The ma'am counts the coin in her hand, opens a ledger and writes a note down in beautiful yet indecipherable script. The girls appear next to her, they bow, and the ma'am takes the coins from Ashley then shoos everyone out.

Yeah, you're welcome. Ashley says as she's literally pushed out the door.

It's late, according to the temple or Tyr clock it's 21:15. 

You all walk down the deserted alleys [1d20=19] and find your way back to the guild without any issues.

Freya is sweeping the floors and the chairs are all placed upside down on the tables, no one can be seen in the guild other than Freya. She waves at you all and smiles as you pass.

You all find your way back your room and crash not unlike you did the night before.

Cat's 15 gold worth of supplies is piled up by the door. 

We were up too late, now we need to get up before dawn, maybe we can sleep on the cart or something because I'm going to be cranky otherwise.

She had a wonderful time with no regrets. Ashley interpretation provided by JOYVISION

Ashley drinks a lot of water and curls up in the corner on the comforter, a linen towel as a pillow and says I'll wake everyone up in the morning, good night.

You all can say your final moves at any point from the spa to the bed and the night will happen after I hear from everyone. In case you're wondering, Ashley drank a lot of water to guarantee she will wake up before dawn and able to get everyone up and organized for the 5:45 appointment with supplies in hand at the southwest gate. She'll probably get everyone up at 5:15 to guarantee everyone's dressed and able to get the crates to the cart by 5:45.