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Well you might not be surprised but Ashley convinced to de-combine the coin.

We now follow this logic:

Any earned coin is given to whoever earned it.
Any loot is divided as follows:
50% to group fund, Gwen is the treasurer.
10% to each member (we have 5)
Anyone who claims an item for their use only needs to pay 40% of its selling price. 
Items purchased with group funds are considered a gift and don't need to be paid back.
Expenses for the group are controlled by Gwen and taken from the group fund.

It came about when we found a ring worth 10gold on the road. I know we're always lucky. So Bear askes all of us to see who's finger it fit and Freya won the most appropriate finger contest. Then he said he wanted to buy everyone a ring but he didn't feel like group funds should be used for that, his character is ascetic by the way, so we had a conversation about that earlier and we failed to talk Ashley into combining with us, she's broke in our run too.

Well now we don't have to and Ashley won't be trying to chip in on everything.

Also, all rations are community property.

[Ashley] I'm just being true to myself.