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Listen to this near tragedy, we were one technicality strength roll away from losing Gwen.

Speaking of Panthers, a Mountain Lion stalked us.

This got so tense SheShe and Joy were arguing about it. 

So we were walking without ever specifying order or formation on a tributary road in the north. Given the encounter table, walking on an unguarded road near the forest as Joy's set up, a d20 roll is made every hour and there's a chance of certain types of encounters. So we hit a natural 1, it's potentially bad, and there are a lot of not so bad possibilities there given terrain and exposure all that but we roll a mountain lion.

Then since our formation was unspecified we roll to see who was last. It's Gwen, she is level 2 with 12 hit points. She's closer to a bard than anything.

So the puma attacks "pounce" with stealth, advantage, and hits for 9! Then this is where the problem occurs, SheShe didn't roll check to see of she resisted being knocked prone. If she did the puma gets a second attack with advantage again and hit for 4. Gwen is unconscious. The puma then drags her off with stealth and the rest of the group has a chance of detection of the puma before he gets away. If he gets away SheShe says Gwen is dead and will be partially eaten in 2 minutes (20 turns). That's not the end for her but SheShe was going to look up if the animal would eat vital organs first etc. She might be unrecoverable.

But as we're rolling to see if we notice, she's missing right away, it wasn't looking good, Joy interrupts and says there was no roll for strength check vs DC 13 before Gwen was knocked prone per the monster card.

Gwen has a strength of 10 so no bonus. She would have to roll 13 or higher to not be knocked prone and the puma doesn't get the bonus attack. She rolled 13.

So Joy says we have to roll back and the puma doesn't get the bonus attack. SheShe argues that time has advanced too far, choices were made. In any event Gwen might die as the puma runs away with her, the group must first pass a detection step then do their best to get pot shots in to stop the puma before it escaped the encounter and if it succeeds Autumn would have to cast Wild Cunning to guarantee tracking then we'd need to pass a stealth check to find the puma which can only be done once an hour. Gwen would be dead in as few as 3 turns or no longer than 1+constitution modifier so with gwen that's 2 minutes due to suffocation. 

But because Joy fought for us, SheShe reversed it and the puma was hit with a critical hit spell attack from Autumn, then she used a bonus action to get a second attack (once per day feature) and her spell sets up the target to be hit with advantage and hits again. The puma is now down to 5 hp and has basically grappled Gwen, Bear misses! If it gets another turn, she has 3 hp, it will down her and bolt but it will bolt either way and it will have disengage according to SheShe which is also arguable.

Then Ashley casts her summon (rats for you, cats for this version) and one cat is summoned, the cat attacks with advantage due to Autumn's spell, critical hits! Does 2+1 damage but the 2 is doubled so 5hp and the puma is downed. 

Though Freya has magic missle, it's still possible to get only 3 damage then Gwen would have a chance to use improvised punch or something because she's grappled she can't get to her weapon or cast spells.

Also because the puma grappled Gwen, a natural 1 would hit Gwen instead. It was dire.