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Hey, time to get up. Ashley says with a tiredness in her voice.

The sky outside is still dark, but a hit of light appears from the East.

[Spring 6, 05:45, Clear]

You all go down into the main hall, carrying the crates and all your packs ready for adventure. Some of the chairs are down and Freya's broom is laying on the floor near one of the disturbed tables and as you leave you see a new notice tacked to the wall, the ink is still fresh.


The crisp morning air, approximately 10C, feels refreshing as you warily walk to the southwest gate, remembering the other times you've made this journey, to get Alice, to get your shovel and spear, and just strolling while shopping yesterday. It seems much longer than just a couple days since you've arrived but a lot's happened.

The clear, moonless, morning sky is a good omen, it's just before dawn according to the light blue hue in the Eastern sky, Ashley's selflessness came in handy but she's tired and likely cranky as a result.

Mr. Rockseeker is standing by his cart with his companion Sildar riding an old horse, they see you coming and Gundren waves. He sees what you're carrying and rushes up to help. "Let me take those, I'll make sure they're marked and processed so you get your cut, I won't charge you my standard fee this time."

He sees Ashley's tired and grumpy face and says, "up late having fun hm?"

She twirls her finger in the air and says in a tired tone, woohoo.

"Well, we'll be our way soon, they're just opening the gates for inspection. We'll head quickly to the first rest area. Though my horses aren't fast, they're reliable, we should make it by sundown."

Gundren's Cart is currently being pulled by 5 horses, presumably the first is his. It's a small cart but looks to be in fair condition and well maintained. Several spare parts hang from the underside including an axel, bridal, and spare wheel with extra reigns and rope. It looks to be a converted war carriage meant to carry elite troops quickly but he's traded most of the riding space for cargo. There's enough room for a two bedrolls, likely what Gundren and Sildar have used instead of a tent. Though it's open to the air, it will protect from the weather.
The horses look restless and excited to go.

Do what you want, they'll be leaving soon, I'll continue once I've heard from everyone.