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Focus: a continous gem or crystal.

Except in special circumstances as in material requirements for a spell, a focus can be used a number of times according to the following formula:


So a perfect small gem used to its maximum will have less potential uses than a flawed bigger gem used lightly.

Example, a perfect gem used to its maximum extent so its capable of 3MP and has 3MP stored in it when used will have to pass a 1d100 roll DC2. This means only a natural 1 will destroy it.

Gems will have the following qualities:

Perfect 1d100
Legendary 1d30
Very rare 1d20
Rare 1d12
Uncommon 1d10
Common 1d8
Cracked 1d6
Heavily flawed 1d4
Barely useable 1 use

Each gem will only fail given a natural 1 is rolled if they're loaded to their maximum useage.

If a gem is used lightly, additionally you would have to hit a natural 1 here:

Half its capacity 1d2
1/4 its capacity 1d4

A gem isn't officially rated by size or quality though, that would be hard to track, it's officially rated by worth and capacity is based on worth:

50gp 1MP
100gp 2MP
150gp 4MP
200gp 6MP
250gp 8MP
300gp 10MP
350gp 12MP
400gp 14MP
450gp 16MP
500gp 20MP
750gp 30MP
1000gp 40MP

No matter how much MP is stored in a gem, upon useage all mana will be expended. If more mana is stored than a spell requires unpredictable results may occur.

Some spells scale with mana, for others they become instantly deadly, some will cast normally, some may kill the caster, some may have a random, possibly hilarious effect.

For instance, casting magic missle with more than 1MP will add a dart for every additional MP up to tier 9 plus 1. Additional beyond that may have additional effects.

Casting revive with more than the minimum MP has no additional effect.

Entangle, when cast through a focus of much higher charge, may entangle a larger area or crush foes in a mass of woody vines. It may also cause unwanted results such as growing to encompass the entire field, spawn living monsters of vine nature or entomb indiscriminately cauing suffocation.

Use your focus according to manufacturers' instructions.