> they considered it a tip rather than payment
lol Americans with their tipping obsession

so Raven queen isekais high school girls from earth? that explains all the scammer chinks in Neverwinter.

revive is a neat spell to pick up for free but what does that mean:
as long as the body is intact enough to live on its own
if it were intact the fella wouldnt be dead. can you heal or repair a dead body and then revive it?

is this relevant for Yulya? her focus is her holy symbol the crystal is only used for revive and that always destroys it correct?

i don't think collecting rules in a thread is a good idea by you cant sort or correct them there will soon be countless obsolete and unsorted rules. Better put that in a text file of pdf you can edit.

we are alreaddy far behind with our character sheets and inventory we will try to update them this weekend.