> revive is a neat spell to pick up for free but what does that mean:
> as long as the body is intact enough to live on its own

If the head is missing, then it probably won't work. If your heart is taken and eaten as part of a demonic summoning ritual, then you probably need resurrect as that one will replace missing parts.

> if it were intact the fella wouldnt be dead. can you heal or repair a dead body and then revive it?

The way I'm playing it, just sew them back together as much as possible and at worst I'll roll the dice.

> is this relevant for Yulya? her focus is her holy symbol the crystal is only used for revive and that always destroys it correct?

Oh that is true, unfortunately yours is listed as only worth 5 gold, so it wouldn't qualify for this spell.

> i don't think collecting rules in a thread is a good idea by you cant sort or correct them there will soon be countless obsolete and unsorted rules. Better put that in a text file of pdf you can edit.

[Ashley] Joy wants to do this so it will happen.

> we are alreaddy far behind with our character sheets and inventory we will try to update them this weekend.

We are going to a resort hotel for three days starting in 14 hours so we won't be online again for 86 hours from now. I think we may post tomorrow morning but we also may not.