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We are in a proper dungeon now and we hit a proper trap. Freya found the trap, we knew it was there and she thought, "maybe we should evacuate the room and have Bear investigate it." Well she then decided she'd at least do a little more investigation first, just look at it. She had our guide read the inscription on it, that was in draconian, and the words he read sprung a gas trap poisoning all of us 1d10 or half if we passed constitution saving throws. Gwen got hit hardest 10 damage! 

About half of us were poisoned for 10 turns (1 minute) but there was no combat and no one came to ambush us so we waited that out and healed somewhat. Bear has healing word and Gwen has cure wounds but we're not back to full. We'll probably go back to a safe area and rest before continuing.

When you get that intuition, listen to it! We probably only lost 2 hours though it could have been a disaster.