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Synchronic Frieren reference

[Ashley] TFW Alice stalks you.

[Bear] too much walking for bestie and she wanted me to carry her so aparently I can still carry her like a toddler, one armed. What else is there to report? 30 miles of walking as expected, no one got sick this time, gained 10lbs in 3 days, still up 3 but it's slowly coming back down, I'm calorie counting for life now so no biggie. Had fun? Did I? Never talked to the exgf's sister's SO once, he's total aspie or smth. Stayed in the room with bestie mama and bestie, two beds, awful beds, too hard, this is 5☆? Pillows way too thick, I used a blanket as a pillow and it was rough like a towel. My back doesn't like hard beds, felt instantly better when I got up. No problem sleeping though. 

[Bear] Idk, shit's expensive, hate spending money, 5k free money didn't cover it like it was insane. Would never do it myself now it's a "tradition" or some shit they're talking about next year. Food was generally awful, I like my own food. Everyone loved it but I was just waiting for it to be over, fun for 5 minutes maybe. Lots of boring mixed in. Eating whatever I wanted got old too.

[Bear] had a little fun in a heated pool, still a little cold though. I'm too thin now apparently, no blubber to stand even 83F water for long. Bestie and I played in the pool two of the days for like 4 hours total. She's 10 now apparently. Time flies. Damn I was so young when she was born. I'm old now. I've been broken up with Exgf for 6 years now, like... she broke me, I don't want another relationship even now. I think about it sometimes like Exgf sis and SO kissing and shit, good for her, she's 8 years younger, I didn't feel anything like no jealousy, she's cute but I knew her when she was 14? 13? I can't think of her as a grown woman. 

[Bear] what else, service was ok. Who needs it though. I played a role, tried to be excited and happy for bestie and them all but it was very boring overall. They literally have to pay me to do this, it should tell you something. I'm self-entertained so I could hang but I'm really not into it.

[Bear] bestie is like having my own kid sometimes. Her mama (long time fren) spoils her. She's not ADHD or Autistic but she can get pissy when she's hungry, she was acting out a little pushing boundaries with me and I tried to discipline her but then mama immediately negated it. Fine, don't care, don't have to live with her.

[Bear] the rooms connected so it was like sleeping in a dorm. Didn't matter anyway all we did was crash and get back at it early. Kinda more fun last year as everything was new. Idk man.