I was thinking, the world cannot end, that's too boring, too easy. We're here to experience miracles and terrifying feats. To die is too simple. It's simply boring. 

And I've been living my life like every year was my last for six years. I like it this way though, because what do I want to do in my last year? I want to work, I want to strive to fill every moment with something constructive. I want anything other than boredom. So I do and I'm not bored. Vacation is boring, doing nothing is boring. If I must live, I will work every moment because it's fun. Why would I ever think of retirement, that's boring, yet I have these retirement accounts and they're filling up with money I'll never see? Why? So later I can change my mind? What sort of mind would that be? Not mine. I won't spend it either, on what? I have three cars already, I lack nothing. Spending money is boring too.

Maybe just being drunk every moment isn't boring, I remember, but I refuse to do that, so I must fill every moment with work and I like it that way, even to the detriment of sleep. Sleep is also boring, I always thought so.

So the world will not end, but if it does, then I'll be surprised, it'll be funny.

[Ashley] Smh, this guy. Well he's not boring at least. this is when he's at the happiest moments of his life, imagine him depressed? We did, and it's not pretty sheesh.

Whatever comes, let's do this. But I know it won't be a quick end, this is my fate, to live on for decades more, even three times my current age or more. I feel like my life's already been three lifetimes. I guess I'm a cat, three down 6 more to go.
