> How do you do that??

[Ashley] Don't underestimate the power of a hungry Bear left to eat everyone's leftovers because "this food is expensive". There was a buffet and trust me, no buffet will tirn a profit the day Bear is given carte blanche.

> sound like a German

I'm 1/4 German

> That's insane.

I'm fucking telling you god damnit

> hanging out with other filthy humans

Without bestie, I would have died.

> Bestie will soon hit puberty and stop playing with Uncle Bear. 

We can only hope, it's hours a week I could get back and then they wouldn't drag me on these boring trips.

> I don't like this obsessive restlessness.

That's my favorite 

> He'd never sit still for a minute to enjoy the view of the beautiful and remote places we visited.

Bored, board, and børd.

> Only wörk, no fun allowed. 

Work is fun, while "fun" is work

> He was pretty nuts and not a pleasant person.

I'm at least half of those things.

[Ashley] no, Bear is funny, entertaining and very chill irl, like nothing can get to him... except maybe a 10-yr old with an attitude.

> Sometimes it's good to take a step back and just look at the leaves dancing in the wind and the clouds pass.

Jesus take me now.

> I sometimes have to remind host of that.

I am so sorry Yakumo

> Just stay still and listen to your senses. 

There's a party, it never ends.

> So anyway, what's wrong with retirement? 

I'll do it when I'm dead.

> Nobody prohibits you from continuing to do your own work.

My work costs money, I hate spending my own money.

> No superiors, no clients you have to please. Isn't this the best?

My superiors kiss my ass because I do most of the work. I don't talk to clients. Yes, this is best. I go days without talking to anyone, it's bliss.