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> As promised I will hand out one candy to everyone for today!
> I would like to drive the cart. If things get rough Cat can take over.

Yulya miraculously feels a little better today. She tentatively hops up on the cart and the horses whinny in anticipation, pawing at the ground, seemingly completely oblivious to the night's events.

> Ashley where do you want to be in our formation?

Ashley mulls about, kicking stones for a minute, "eh, I'm going to be the lookout or something. I'll hop up top for a while to start."

She takes the candy, climbs on the canvas top and lays down with her hands behind her head staring up at the puffy white clouds in the dawn sky.

[Possible interaction #1]

Gundren trots up to Yulya, "feels powerful don't it? Now just steer away from the ruts and you'll be fine. I never had an issue when I was paying attention. We'll be a few miles ahead scouting, so we'll meet you again at the fork, should be around 8:30-9:00 but don't stop for us, take the Triboar Trail East, we'll double back and report."

[Possible interaction #2]

Gundren and Sildar gallop off ahead down the High Road leaving you with 4 eager horses ready to pull.

[Possible Interaction #3]

[05:45] Everything is packed and ready and you're off! The grinding of the steel wheels against the gravel is near deafening by comparison to the peaceful morning silence of dawn.

[7:30] Ashley is staring off down the road from her perch when she spots something glint just off the road. She hops down and runs for it. "The heck?"

She finds a small patched backpack with a steel buckle, and inside is:
- Clay pot of salted herring in good condition, weighing in at 10 lbs and valued at 18sp with 10 servings of delicious fermented preserved fish!
- A large thick-walled glass jar with a cork stopper in new condition with a weight of 2lbs and a value of 10sp capable of storing 20lbs of raw dry goods or liquids.

"Just what I always wanted, a jar!" She says sarcastically and hauls the bounty into the cart. "I don't know, maybe we can sell it."

[Possible Interaction 4]

[08:45] Just like clockwork, the horses manage to make the nine miles to the fork in 3 hours flat but there's no Gundren or Sildar in sight. [1d20+1 = 15] Ashley looks down at the road and easily finds two sets of hoof prints heading East, "That-a-way!"

[Make your moves! What do you do?]

[Thankfully Yulya has high wisdom so she'll find traps and notice things but Ashley's the best one who can discover things, solve puzzles and pick locks. She'll have to be right behind Yulya for all dungeon crawls.]