thumbnail of Mannheim knife attack.mp4
thumbnail of Mannheim knife attack.mp4
Mannheim knife attack mp4
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Watch this!
Bavarian anti-islam activist Michael Stürzenberger and several bystanders were knifed by Afghan refugee at a street event in Mannheim, everything was recorded in a livestream. Police initially did nothing and even subdued one of the wounded while the knife sandnigger managed to continue stabbing and critically wound the policeman tackling the bystander. This guy still manages to finally throw away the knife. Policewomen scream and are totally inept, took another based sandnigger policeman to finally shoot the terrorist. Only after 4 minutes of screeching, running away or arresting bystanders one policewoman gets a first aid kit and starts treating the wounded. Watch the absolute state of Germany where you get arrested for resisting being stabbed. I bet the anti-islam activism group will be charged with hate speech.

Alice note - NEVER engage in such struggle like the blue guy with the white pants did. GTFO and let bolis handle this. You'll only get in trouble.

Fun fact - the attack happened in a 'no weapon area' where carrying a knife is forbidden:
Fri 8pm to Sat 6am
Sat 8pm to Sun 6am
before a holiday 8pm to 6 am
I'm not joking, this is Deutschland.

Luckily the sandnigger was allowed to carry his knife when he attacked people. He's fine btw and will survive and be free in a few years. The policeman is in a coma and struggling to survive. Media are mostly silent, Germans singing Ausländer Raus is the main scandal right now.