
> The large cart is continuing on the high road going north. It's not gonna crash into our cart on the triboar trail, right?

> We're not in the way of those stubborn Rothès, right?


> Not even 10 paces in

10 paces is 20-30 feet.

A horse drawn carriage is 17-20 feet long with the horses. The configuration of your cart is either 4 abreast or 2x2. Right now it's 2x2, so you could add 8-10 feet to your length.

So any way you look at it, you're just out of the way, they'll pass within 10 feet. 

In this part of the world, the carts pass on the left but they typically drive the center, the High road is 20 feet across (21 feet on average when built but slightly raised crushed stone and so slightly eroded between servicing on the sides. The cart is between 8 and 10feet wide depending, so if this one is as much as 10 feet wide, a maximum really, then it has plenty of room to go around. The driver can also somewhat steer the rothés.