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>>/4517/ > I promise to show you something hilarious If I die, Joy promised me something crazy. > unchaining them So as soon as you slink away get it done. So Joy is allowing that you're no more than 30ft from the chain, so just walk there so you can do an action. They're distracted, so if we do this we're technically in the start of Round 1 with initiative and advantage. So you will also have advantage on whatever you need to do. I forget if we have thieves' tools or a hammer. Cat could also go do it and with some fancy Barbarian moves she could get 10hp at 19AC done if we need to get the chain, but she can always do that as long as you take your turn first before she does anything. > try to grapple If you do it from a position of flanking or with stealth you'll get advantage and grappling would be OPid you can pull it off. The guy would have disadvantage and unable to switch weapons or cast. > guess what nasty things slimes can do when trying to restrain you. Idk either but joy just looked up "suffocation" this morning. I don't want to steal your possible thunder but seriously, if you could grapple and like ooze into the guy's throat through the nose he would go unconscious in 1+ his CON modifier he might be down before he can shake you off. That would be elite Alice strat #1. > keep them hidden inside Joy said the cart is loaded, no room for a dozen kids in any case. > full of themselves Joy said the nobility act with impunity and end up getting assassinated. I would say though, if they are we gotta hide that we did it because then we'd be next. No witnesses, so getting the kids far away where they can't see would be best. > didn't read Joy custom rule #9621 [Joy] I will interpret your actions as best I can given your blatent ignorance. > can she literally cast any cleric spell that fits into her spell slots? [Joy] yes, she's free to choose any published spell from vanilla and known additions as long as she's cast it before or still had her book in her posession. > That's OP as fuck on top of her stats. [Joy] I am allowing her to do this so it is fair against other clerics. [Joy] The only difference to vanilla in my rules other than a change to spell point tables to make it easier to manage, is the removal of the requirement to fill the slots with specific spells ahead of battle. [Joy] most cleric spells are very situational and mostly useless so when would you ever waste preparing a spell you would only ever use very rarely? No. She can cast any level 1 spell in her book as long as she still has MP. Read her spell options, they're pretty mundane. > At least she's capable compared to me. [Joy] I seek balance.