High Road Fork 01 jpg
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lol we have no thieves tools because you refused to buy them. just sayin.
and whats the advantage of casting emboldening bond on Yulya? she is well armored and has decent hp and doesnt need to do checks or saves and can stay behind cover. i think Alice profits more from it shes the second front line fighter and sucks at everything and this will increase her survival and attack chances greatly. but teach me if im wrong im here to learn
but i dont see a time window to cast emboldening bond that sucks. should have done it last round. its our best spell.
Yulya has radiant flame as offensive cantrip. you think she should enter close combat? wont that break her concentration for bane?
i also miscalculated and see Cat has no chance to attack in rd1 even with feline agility doubling her speed which sucks. or can she dive under that wood bar of our cart? its borderline 60ft. if she can make it we dont need sanctuary bc she will crash into the spellsword at full force and attack dealing damage which breaks sanctuary.