Organs are super awesome and were the most complex human-made devices until the early 20th century. An organ essentially is a huge mechanical computer full of logic circuits. Operated by air going through valves instead of electricity through transistors. It can have several ten-thousand pipes (yes indeed) which can be combined by a set of stops or registers (the knobs at the side). They are mechanical switches determining which and how many pipes are activated when you press a key on one of the keyboards. It's insanely complicated and the biggest organs were operated by dozens of people. 
Nowadays much is automated by electronic switches. 

The keyboards are called manuals and control a set of pipes called ranks that are equivalent of an entire instrument. Theres also the pedal clavier for bass. An organ is literally a medieval synthesizer capable of producing a huge repertoire of sounds. Extremely powerful sounds from infra- to ultransonic. Far more than any modern speaker. At the cost of size, complexity and cost.

Unfortunately I know virtually nothing about music, can't play an instrument or even read notes. But this is high-tier science.
