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> You decide. 
Nope, Yulya decides ultimately. But I'm sure we'll reach an agreement.

I'm not against your plan and I'm certain you know better but there are only 2 options.:
Either someone distracts them 1 round until I free the kids or we have to attack them before the kids are free. Both sucks But I agree Cat should remain near our cart

> you have a spear! Throw it at the chain!
From where I'm standing I can only hit kids but not the chain's attachment. I had planned to use a 2handed 1d8 attack on the chain after moving there but if I manage to untether the kids with a spear throw (wtf is the DC for that?) we've solved the problem in rd1. However I have no LOS to the rear end of the cart. I need to go south at least 20ft which also means I can only grapple one of them in rd3. Or am I wrong?

> What's the turning radius on a cart without steering wheels? I doubt it's 10ft.
You guys have a mechanic bear so tell me. The cart has no steering wheels. What happens if the rothe abruptly pull at a 45° angle? It can't turn  on its wheels but will be dragged sideways or even tip over crashing against the rock with those guys in between. The ranger is so close to the wheel that it doesn't really matter where the cart moves, he'll probably be fucked. Same if the rothe turn on us. They may not step on their owner but I doubt they're smart enough to calculate the movement of their cart. They can only turn left if the wanna attack us and that will also crush the guys. Not weaponizing the cart and attacking while the kids are still tethered sounds extremely risky to me. 

New idea:
I move south until I can throw my spear at the attachment of the chain to the cart.
Ashley casts dampen spirit and gtfo toward the kids (not suspicious at all)
Yulya distracts them for one round offering them some of our cargo if they help

Cat moves behind the cart to where I was at the start with stealth, ready to attack

ideally kids are free now

rd 2 Yulya casts bane
Ashley summons Mr. Bigglesworth and turns into Panther
Wasps sting rothe and try to crush our enemies with the cart or at least cause a huge confusion
Cat and Mr. Biggleswoth attack the guys 
It's 1:1

I join with suffocation grapple
wasps join
Ashley panther joins
Yulya casts sacred flame
It's 7:2

How does that sound?