> we have to attack them before the kids are free
> The rothés will eventually pass strength checks and break free
> if I manage to untether the kids with a spear throw (wtf is the DC for that?)
I believe Ashley was referring to the fact that your DEX is higher than your strength so your aim is ironically better by throwing the spear at any range that is optimal. But you're a monk so I believe you can use either even in melee if you have the Monk's martial arts feature and it's a monk useable weapon.
[Ashley] Yes, I meant get there but you can be a little away and still make a strike.
> You guys have a mechanic bear so tell me.
I have consulted the mechanic bear and he said the wheels are not made for side loading but they would likely survive on gravel. Still I am going to say you don't have the trajectory to drift into the rock. The rothés will pull it off the road and maybe get stuck then eventually break free and attack you. However they may also choose to attack the children unless they evacuate the map.
> What happens if the rothe abruptly pull at a 45° angle?
Sound of a toothpick snapping.
> It can't turn on its wheels but will be dragged sideways or even tip over crashing against the rock with those guys in between.
I'll give you the following odds:
Roll 4 it works with a +10 attack vs their AC and will do 4d8 bludgeoning damage to both.
Roll 3 it hits the rock, possibly damaging the cart but misses the men.
Roll 2 it self destructs and the rothés may eventually break free.
Roll 1 the rothés break free
> Weaponizing a cart without a driver and no run on a cart you have never driven and no nothing about.
Sounds risky but I'm being as generous as I can be.
> Ashley casts dampen spirit and gtfo toward the kids (not suspicious at all)
I don't believe she can do that without starting a fight, they would have to look her in the eye and they would sense that she is casting on them though I suppose there's a chance they don't know what happened as her curses are unique.
> Not weaponizing the cart and attacking while the kids are still tethered sounds extremely risky to me.
I can't see how this sentence makes sense. You wouldn't want the kids attached for any movement of the cart with run-away rothés.
> How does that sound?
Most of this is fair but I'll let Cat weigh in and Ashley will need buy in. She'll have time to counter-propose in about 4-5 hours. I think you all have some good ideas. I also need to do some more cementing around these ideas and get probabilities down. One round per day will give you a lot of room to switch gears if it's not working out.
[Ashley] I can't wait.
1. release the kids.
2. get the rothés away, far away, like off the map.
3. kick butt and zerg rush. We have them so outnumbered if there's no rothés. If they're at disadvantage I know we can take them. If that ranger has Zephyr Strike and the spellsword casts something crazy I'm gone first I'd bet. Joy didn't calculate their levels. She won't until we make our moves so I don't know her secrets. She only has a vague idea of levels based on reward and that's not even bounded yet though she will include the value of the rothés as part of that, that's all she's thought so far. If they're gone, this battle is more then half won I would have to say. My estimation is those two guys are equal to one rothé but with better equipment.
Ashley is limited to 3-4 summons. 4 only if she has 2 and casts summon cat and it happens to spawn 2.
[Ashley] I'll put it all in a nice plan in a few hours.