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[Round 0] Sorry my last post said "Round 1", this is indeed round 0

[At the back of the cart]

Alice makes it to the back of the cart, she tries to reassure the kids but they are inconsolably already Frightened collectively and not just from her. They creep away until one of them notices her copper plate. They can hardly contain their emotions, they're desperate to be saved and accept Alice regardless of her 1920's porcelain doll appearance,' "You're a real life adventurer?" Says the closest one, a girl not more than 8.

Alice shushes them and then inspects the situation. [difficulty 1d20=14 higher is better, this is lucky]

The chain is attached with a keyless rudimentary locking mechanism. [DC10 dexterity check]

You notice this cart is quite old and rusted and has obviously been used near the salt air for many years so it is in poor condition, however the chain is relatively new. [AC19, 10HP for the chain] [DC20 Strength check to break]


Cat arrives in a flurry of wind and joins Alice, ready with her crowbar to help, she whispers to the little girl, "Quiet Nya! We are here to set you free Nya! Run west into the forest and hide Nya! Tell the others Nya!"

The children are stunned, these humans have likely never seen a Tabaxi.

[I have taken liberties here as to who tries what first per the discussions had previously. The best choice for Alice is the dexterity check and for Cat is the strength check. If you disagree, please let me know.]

Alice looks over the mechanism and attempts to open it. [1d20+2=7+2=9] She fails to decipher its secrets this turn and needs more time.

Cat uses her crowbar as a lever and attempts to break the chain using her strength. &[1d20+4=(20)+4=24] The crowbar breaks the rusted chain with a satisfying snap and the chain falls to the crushed gravel below.

Alice and Cat encourage them to run but the chidden are in no condition to run, they're Exhausted, Apathetic, and still Frightened, not just of their captures but also Frightened by the dark woods on either side and too Frightened to leave their Heros' sides so they don't move; however, they are no longer attached to the cart.

[At the side of the cart]

The Ranger attempts to hit Velma with his bow [1d20+4=7 vs AC10] The arrow misses her and sails gracefully into the air out of sight.

Velma climbs high in the air, and loses their attention.

Yulya timidly approaches the men and their attention turns to her.

"Kind Sirs, we are in a bit of trouble. We are absolute beginners and this is my first day of ever driving a cart. I am not good at handling horses and afraid to spook them. I am a cleric not a coachman. We do not want to damage the cart or injure the horses that were entrusted to us for this supply mission to Phandalin!"

"I am ashamed to say we are nearly broke but we are carrying a lot of useful cargo! We also have a variety of delicious food made by our cook and even candy! We will be sure to return the favor for any of your deeds! Many-fold!"

[1d20+4=(15)+4=19 SS persuasion vs DC 14, 1d20+4=(16)+4=20 R persuasion vs DC14]

Though she succeeds in stalling them, the Spellsword's brow furrows, Yulya can see her monumentally intense and overwhelming efforts of social interaction were wasted on him.

"I got a better idea, how about you give us two of your team and we let you go; not the little one, she looks off."

[Behind the rothés.]

Zelda and Velma both attempt to grapple the butts of the rothés as a bonus action but fail to grapple due to the rothés' natural strength, they're whipped aside like flies, however, that doesn't mean they can't attack.