
Once you give me the signal, I'll tell my babies to attack and once the rothés race off at charge speed we can attack. So I will cast dampen spirit boosted, that'll use the rest of my magic and I'll transform. Then I can't attack the same round so I'll disengage and hide. 

Grapple is a special attack but it uses your turn unless you are special like Velma and Zelda where they can grapple as a bonus action since they sting as they grapple. The rothés have 30 strength though so they could only grapple if they hit 20.

We should be able to flank them given 4 summons I hope neither of them have AOE or nova. Joy said she will design them with choices they would expect to make, not specifically just to counter us.

Bane or Embolding Bond, that's Yulya's choice, she shouldn't try to disengage because she doesn't have that skill so it would cause opportunity strikes.

Ideally they would have to deal with summons only. 

If either land a hit that might down one of us so Yulya should be ready to heal but she barely has any MP either. She has healing word and healing hands, so she should only probably cast Emboldening Bond or Bane once.

Joy said "the easy part is over."

We really have to have lucky rolls here on out.

The kids can sit there as long as we keep the baddies pinned down. With all their debuffs we shouldn't expect them to help though.

> Do we actually have to state if we want to use STR or DEX?

You can, but for grapple the target determines that.

> crowbar gives advantage on STR checks.

Yes, Joy gave Cat advantage but because she rolled 20 it didn't matter. The other roll was 1 believe it or not and that was the first roll so if she did roll once she would have slipped and hurt herself potentially. So lucky she came prepared.