Wow, we defeated 10 skeletons, 10 twig blights, and 4 goblins, got past that, healed and rested somewhat, triggered an encounter resting but the hobgoblin fled. Only problem is he fled to help the boss level. 

We walked right into a trap 

-1 hobgoblin 
-3 skeletons 
-3 twig blights
-level 2 wizard 
-level 4 fighter 
-level 4 boss ranger with 97 health due to some crazy fruit he ate that gave him +70 health.

We couldn't kite them as it was a surprise but we were being stealthy so it was a wash. They pinned us down and soon Freya and I were surrounded and Bear managed to block in Ashley though she still had exposure to a skeleton and with 6hp one hit could have done it. She totally forgot about her shield too.

So there was a lot of unlucky rolls early but that turned around. Freya was the only one with AOE (Burning Hands) but it exposed her too. She got two of those off killing at least 4, Ashley did her Demoralize curse on the big guy followed up by a witch curse from me made him hallucinate for 3 turns while Bear took out the wizard, Freya's Hellish Rebuke took out the hobgoblin, Gwen's Radiant something managed to take out a skeleton, Bear's Maul took out others, Ashley's cats took care of the fighter believe it or not. She has that Rally Attack which in SheShe's run allows her to cast it on everyone but in yours she can only choose one. It's super OP if not because she had summoned 2 cats and managed to get them flanking then they attacked 4 times and hit all with advantage and did some crazy like 22 hp damage.

There were a few errors in the encounter that SheShe and Joy need to decide what to do with in general because Ashley cast 2 things transformed then we forgot she transformed. Oops. I don't think it was too significant but we either need to redo the encounter from a two turns back or accept errors both in our favor and not in the future.

That's going to be potentially bad since we more often forget things thar would have helped us.

Freya's Fey Charm made the boss attack a skeleton which was awesome. Her charm makes humanoids "defend her with their lives or face one level of apathy per occurrence." It doesn't stop him from attacking us, just that he had to attack anything that threatened Freya this turn. It was like a chess game really.

Anyway, they decided that they wouldn't reverse the rounds if they would result in our loss. Because it wasn't our fault that there was an error but that also means if there is an error the other way we no longer get to reverse the rounds either.

I guess things just got harder, we need to step it up.