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> when the thievin' panther steals all you precious corpses
God damned, I don't mind if you eat the nigger but running off with both is just greedy! What about me? Can't I have any fun?
I'd given you the bones and intestines to dispose of anyway.

So pweeease can you leave us the spellsword so Cat and me can cook him and make a great meal for all the exhausted children? I promised you some fun if we win, didn't I? Gotta keep my promise!

Yulya will be sent away to look after the kids / get trauma therapy from Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth and there will be no ethical issues. I have no god to judge me and I don't think the Catgod disapproves of eating humans. So - everyone's a winner!
I have it all worked out already.

I will briefly clean and absorb any traces on the crime scene from the ground, loot and Cat's claws and my spear, then we will load the loot into our cart.

We will butcher and cook the guy behind the rock at the north end of the junction and season him with herring and Cat's rations so it's enough for all children.
It's a miracle like Jesus feeding of the 5.000.

Yulya will look after the kids, give them water from our 2 waterskins and treat wounds with my healer's kit until food's ready. And try to set them free from their shackles of course. I will come help as soon as I'm done with the dirty work and Cat is cooking. Then we will eat and celebrate!