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After sending Yulya to go take care of the kids, Alice and Cat go into the forest to harvest their perfectly good, nothing wrong, good for you, meat.


"Hello Children! I am Yulya a cleric from Neverwinter! Please don not worry you are safe now. Uhm I only have water and a few candies for you at the moment but my friends are preparing a full meal for you. In the mean time I will try to tend to your wounds and of course remove your shackles. Please bear with it for a little longer!"

[1d20=18] The children are in much better spirits, especially now that Yulya has come to answer their questions, and they each have a dozen.


After their curiosity has been sated, no less than 10 score questions later, Yulya has tended their scrapes and inspected their wounds. [1d20=15] They're mostly ok, they're physically well. Yulya tells them of the horrible yet fortunate accident and that the men are gone but they must leave as soon as possible so they don't come back. And now it's time for Yulya's question.

"If you do not mind please tell me what happened to you! Where are you from and what were these men doing?"

Now that they're in much better shape and rested, in a good mood thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Bigglesworth and a kind Cleric, and could have no possible knowledge of her true feelings about humans, they're in a better mood to share their story.

12 voices talk over each other and amid the chaos and din, Yulya gleans that they were in a small orphanage in Baldur's Gate, well taken care of by their directoress, but 4 days ago these men approached the orphanage with plans to take over administration. 

First the men came with official looking documents, but the directoress easily saw through them. Then they came with an offer of purchase, when they were rejected they left again and everyone thought for the last time. 

Their directoress assured them they wouldn't be going anywhere. The next morning though, the children awoke to find these two men packing up furniture, lamps, food stores, and everything they had; beds, clothes, personal belongings were next. They were told the directoress sold everything to them and when the children asked where she was, they said she left the city, but the children didn't believe them and protested. That's when the men became aggressive and forced them into chains. 

They also said the youngest and the oldest kids were already gone in the morning but they don't know where they went. The missing included 6 from the ages of 11-14 and 5 from the ages of 2-7.

They say they are worried about them, especially the youngest ones.

Of course you have no obligation to find them and the children understand they're now nowhere near Baldur's Gate.

[1d20+4=(8,17),(10,12)] Ashley Panther arrives arrives with a large boar in her mouth. Dressed, it would have 12lbs of meat. Initially the children are frightened but they see the tag and feel at ease, they understand shapeshifters are also adventurers and are soon crowding around Ashley Panther who graciously lets them pet her without a fuss.


Yada Yada Yada... you obviously decide to head back to the rest area just north of the fork, it's the best place to cook and you're not idiotic enough to just build a fire right in the middle of a road and in the middle of a crime scene.

So Cat loads the pots worth of uncooked meat and the boar into the cart, and Yulya first gets the cart unstuck [1d20=6] it creaks and strains but manages to budge and get unstuck, then turns it around and heads back North, the only sensible course of action given the multitudes of undiscussed circumstances at hand.

After unlocking the shackles with the keys found among the Spellsword's robes, and hiding them in a sack of wheat, The kids crowd on and enjoy the ride north.