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I made the executive decision to decide for you because Alice was already cooking in the middle of the road.

If you want to do something other than how I described it, then I can simply ammend or rewrite them.

However, the children are small so they crammed into and onto the cart with Ashley Panther and her summons.

They're safe and happy playing in a field. They understand your situation as much as you want them to know.

The Triboar Trail is likely not safe or Gundren wouldn't have needed to hire you. Goblins also like long pig, especially long pig veal, so taking them to Phandalin is not well advised given the current data.

Look at the scene and take it in, there are plenty of options. Again, the quest you're on is not time limited, only the bonus gold was but after you see loot01 you shouldn't be worried about that. 

You can literally do whatever you want including taking them to the Neverwinter orphanage and leveling up. I'm just saying that's an option.