Bear went to an unnamed fun park today with Bestie and Bestiemom and some mid twenty-something girl gave Bear a wink and thumbs up and he had his shades on so he pretended not to notice her, but then she followed him and bestie onto a ride and kept like doing creepy things that resembled flirting. Then she followed him to another ride and video'd him in on the ride with Bestie. It was totally weird.

He reminded me that about two weeks ago some rando recognized him from that show he did 10 years ago somehow. He doesn't look the same because he was super thin at that time but since he lost weight he does look thin now so it kinda makes sense.

He used to just deny it and say, "no, but I do look like him don't I?" But this time it had been so long when they said, "hey, aren't you blah blah blah from blah blah blah?" he just said, "yeah what's up?"

They wanted a picture and he was tired and let them then said, "don't release that anywhere with my name tagged" which is a dumb thing to say because it's guaranteed they will.

That's all I have to report!