> Hmm how does Ashley know what human stew smells like? Yulya doesn't.

It probably stinks, that's all. I'm the one who doesn't like to eat in the system anyway.

> the message could be relayed to Phandalin.

There are curriers, we could arrange a currier but not from here, not until we get to Neverwinter unless one rides by but we have to catch him, it's an unlikely roll. In any case even if we leave now 12:00, it's 9 hours north and the horses might ride at night with Cat but the currier service is likely a 6:00-18:00 business like everyone else so at minimum tomorrow morning, and the currier can likely go fast so maybe 1 day to Phandalin but that's still the end of the day after tomorrow at minimum and that's only if they left at 6:00, they probably won't leave until they could get here to the rest stop same day so that's still two days minimum for the currier plus us getting up there and sending the message tomorrow so three or four days!

The rock is only 3 hours south.
> I don't think we can send a wasp with a note attached, right?

I can only control them well within 120ft.

We have 4 horses, only need 3, someone could ride south fast and likely be at the rock in 1 hour then catch back up to us. A horse can outrun a mountain lion or Bear.