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thumbnail of cherries.jpg
cherries jpg
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Ah I remember your pillbugs. Weird. They're not a problem here, it's rare for them to eat plants but they're a different species and don't curl up.

Harvested cherries, there's a lot this year after almost nothing last year because there was heavy rain and cold during the flowering period. We only harvested a little because no idea what to do with all the cherries. It's a lot of work to remove the stone and occasional maggots of the cherry fly

They look beautiful but don't taste like much. We froze some and made jam from the rest just cooking the fruit to preserve them. It can be added to our yogurt or as a chocolate cherry pancake filling but the usefulness is limited. 

We also had tons of raspberries but they are infested by fruit flies since a few years so they're all full of maggots as soon as they are ripe and liquefy smelling like vinegar.

You can't do anything against this as the fruit flies lay their eggs when the raspberries turn red and they develop within days. So you can't use pesticides. Only a fine netting would help. We'll have to try next year. Sucks, I like raspberries more than cherries but we only ate a few half-ripe ones and threw away the rest.