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wrong threada my bad

Yulya enjoys her lunch. She has to stop Alices stunts before they get too weird and then speaks too the kids
Don't forget to thank Cat for this great meal! I know you're starved but do not overeat we need to leave soon!
We are going to Neverwinter. Is that alright with you? We will pay for your entry and registration but we need to find a place for you to stay there. Our mission was to go to Phandalin with this cart so we need to return there. We will consult with the guild and if possible look for your missing friends but we need to finish our mission first!

Cat needs to leave a message for Gundren. What a shameful oversight on my part! I am sorry to bother you but you need to leave with a horse as fast as possible!
We will meet up on the way back or at least in Neverwinter! Take what you need leave the rest in the cart!
Please be careful Cat!