
> Should she wear the armor sword and magic bow? And potion

Yes, no one will care I bet. 1. No one knew she didn't have the bow or sword, 2. Gundren probably didn't see past the boobs, he's a guy remember?


> so what do we do with the spell book? 

Sell it? Though it might have his name or something, I'll look at it and Joy can tell us if it's sellable or incriminating.

> it shows they were into some trickery. 

Could be good evidence for our murder trial, maybe keep it.

> and about this focus things like scraps of paper cant a cleric substitute any focus with a holy symbol?

If you say so, but he wasn't a cleric

> Ashley should at least have a look at the book once the kidds are asleep.

Save it for Neverwinter then we gotta go.