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I look through the loot stash and take a few things.
Okay guys, here's the strategy as I understand it:
1. Cat, take the great sword+1, bow+1 and Half plate, the ring of obscuring would definately come in handy too so you can escape if you have to, then take a horse south and use the convenient chalk you had somehow and mark the rocks for Gundren to read, look for tracks to see if him and his bud have been there recently, they'd have at least gotten back to the main road to look to see if we are coming.
2. I take the Pendant Gem, I could use that.
3. I'll take a look at the Spellsword's Spellbook.
4. We load up the kids and head North, Cat, you'll catch up to us then drive the horses like mad till we're in Neverwinter.
5. We get a bunch of rooms and get the kids settled for the night, then get to the orphanage in the morning and negotiate with them. 
6. Make sure we have enough food for the horses
7. We sell everything we can, the goal is 20gp each to level up. I figure we have about 120 gold if we sell all but that Short Sword. I'll take my cut out of the 120-80 for leveling-whatever else we need to negotiate with the orphanage. I'll do that negotiating by the way.
8. We level up with Freya and tell her everything, she's going to know through the orb anyway.
9. We high tail it back down here in the same day, making sure make it here by tomorrow night.
10. We go to Phandalin like we were supposed to by the day after tomorrow, two days late but there.

Any questions?

I affix the 100+ gold gem where her fake focus is, then takes the book from Yulya and [Arcana 1d20+1=13] yeah, this is his spellbook alright. She then looks through all the pages for obvious identification. [Investigation 1d20+1=16] Nope, sell it. I hand the book back to Yulya.

Let's do this, are we good? Also, where's my cut of the gold? I expect at least 1/8th of the coins they had minus the special marked purse, we probably need that for the kids. My calculation is... 3 gold and 4 copper. I'm not worried about the stuff we can use anymore but if we sell anything after expenses I want 1/8th of that too. I figure it's fair that half of everything we get in loot is for expenses, then everyone gets an eighth. Put your share in the pot or not. Of course if we actually finish this quest, my pay will be mine. Maybe I'll have enough to pay back the guild. It's fair, a golden winged goddess told me so.

Sounds reasonable to me too, make your decisions and actions and I'll forward the scene.