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lol Tamamo posted in wrong thread too good to see im not the only idiot

ok when Cat is on her way we can divide the loot. if Ashley doesnt want the short sword which is a shame why shouldnt we sell it? Yulya likes close combat as much as Ashley what peace cleric has a sword. Alice has no cha and cant use magic and Cat is already a walking armory.

i looked at the loot excel if we sell:
masochist ring
sadist ring
studded armor
all clothing
we get about 190 gp
minus 80 for lv thats still 110 not bad.
and we can sell the normal longbow and a few other things so no worries. but we gotta see how much the kids cost us. Ashley should whine to Freya. cant be the heroes obligation alone to care for the rescued children the guild should help too. theyre the good guys right?