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[It is indeed Spring 8th, Saturday 13:00, I had a typo earlier.] 

The approaching cart passes.
[Potential Interaction #1] 

[Stealth 1d20+3=16 for future reference stealth does not work when you're in plain sight, say on an open road.]

[Perception 1d20+3=9] Though cat sees no sign of an ambush, she can't be sure. The dusty gravel road is much as you left it, a skid rut clearly shows the slaver's cart tracks, you can see your own cart's tracks where you turned around. You look at your own tracks, they're light in the crushed stone and you aren't sure if you could make out another set or two but probably not. You move 30 yards down the Triboar Trail, beyond where the cart'd gone, [1d20+3=11] It's pretty clear there's been no traffic through the drying mud, you look for hoof prints and can occasionally catch a pair or two headed down the road, almost surely those of Gundren's horse Nell and Sildar's horse Bess but no sign of them returning this way.

Cat sees another cart coming up the road about a mile south accompanied by another rider in armor that could potentially be a road master.
[Potential Interaction #2]

[1d20=18] Cat successfully marks the rock and heads back North. 
[Cat's Horse 1d20=14, Yulya's team 1d20=18] Cat gallops back north with haste and her horse is warming up to the idea of galloping, and even though Yulya is managing over 4mph, Cat catches up yo her by [14:00]

Cat rejoins the group and [1d20=16] after quickly hooking the horse back up you're well on your way.

At this point the cart is roughly 7 miles north of the stop with 33 miles to go to get to Neverwinter. With the addition of the 4th horse, riled and ready to pull fast, the speed of the cart is a good 4mph.

Expected arrival to Neverwinter's Southwest gate: [22:15] 

Cat takes the reins and encourages the horses as the hours pass. Even into the evening, past dark, she guides the horses further north.

[1d20=13,20] 15 miles [16:00] 
Ashley's keen eyes spot something hanging in a nearby tree. She hops off to investigate and is dumbfounded, she finds another thick walled jar with a cork stopper in new condition just like the other one, 2lbs of sturdy glass worth about 10sp harnessed with a new hide belt (1lb, 5cp) hanging from the tree. What it could possibly be doing there is beyond her but she takes it anyway and runs to catch up to the cart.

You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.
[Potential Interaction #3]

[1d20=1] 19 miles [17:00] Another 4 miles north, a family of raccoons cross the road ahead.
[Potential Interaction #4]

As the evening overtakes the day, it quickly darkens and the crescent moon offers little help. Knowing a little something about carts, Cat finds and lights the forward cart lamps offering at least a fair view of the road to avoid large rocks or blocks.

[1d20=18,14,19,1] 35 miles [21:00] It's well past dark and the horses are getting restless, Cat's doing her best to keep them going but they're well past their usual stopping point for the day. Though they did get a couple hours rest mid-day they're clearly protesting. You're so close to Neverwinter, the lights of the large city on the cliff are clearly visible in the distance so you push further.

[1d20=1] Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.

Required Interaction: Though you're within sight of the city, 5 miles is 5 miles and you can't budge the cart without the horses help, they're nearly asleep where they stand, blocking the center of the road. The kids are asleep, huddled under the blankets on the bedrolls, and Ashley's also asleep on the roof. A damp wind is lightly blowing in off the water making the air uncomfortably chilly, 9C.