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> stealth does not work when you're in plain sight, say on an open road
Sorry, Cat doesn't care about details. Should have worded that more precisely. The idea was to get off the horse near the rock and sneak along the bushes at edge of the road. The rock isn't in the middle of the road.

> split up
Don't get it. You wanna walk 5 miles to the city in the cold with the exhausted kids that are finally asleep? While Cat stays with the cart and lets the horses rest? How long does that take, maybe 1.5h at 3mph normal traveling speed?
And how long do the horses need to rest if Cat feeds them now and coaxes them to go on with animal handling? The cart will be much lighter without 12 kids and 3.5 adventurers though.

Another important question is when the Neverwinter gate closes. No point rushing there if they wont let us in during night time. They'd be stuck out there in the cold.