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> Cat lets Yulya give the roadmaster a message for Gundren before continuning
As the cart stops Yulya turns to the roadmaster. She hoped Cat would do the talking but sometimes a party leader needs to take responsibility. Yulya sighs and uses persuasion
Sorry to bother you Sir but if you meet Gundren Rockseeker or somebody close to him please tell him we will arrive in Phandalin 2 days later than planned. There was an emergency and we had to turn around at the start of the triboar trail to return to Neverwinter. And please convey our apologies! Thank you for your hard work of keeping the roads safe in these difficult times may the gods bless you!

> Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.
What a blunder so close to our destination! We have used our share of luck for today it seems! Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.

Alice please keep watch!

Seeing Ashley sleep on the cart in the cold wind, Yulya puts a blanket on her.
You will catch a cold if you sleep up there all night!