thumbnail of Stregren Morningstar.webp
thumbnail of Stregren Morningstar.webp
Stregren Morningstar webp
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thumbnail of Ashley 221.jpg
thumbnail of Ashley 221.jpg
Ashley 221 jpg
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You see a road master headed South, he's not the same one you dealt with earlier. He tips his helmet in greeting as you pass.

Cat cheerfully greets the road master.
> Greetings Nya!

The old man smiles widely.

Yulya awkwardly speaks,
> Sorry to bother you Sir but if you meet Gundren Rockseeker or somebody close to him please tell him we will arrive in Phandalin 2 days later than planned. There was an emergency and we had to turn around at the start of the triboar trail to return to Neverwinter. And please convey our apologies! Thank you for your hard work of keeping the roads safe in these difficult times may the gods bless you!

He stops, takes off his helmet and eyes the cart, seeing children piled in he scratches his beard and peers at Yulya, "Name's Stregren Morningstar, well met. On to Neverwinter? Leaving a little late though I see. Well, my advice is to stay on the road, just keep going, there's been more than a few reports of hostile animals and bandits alike. Yes thanks for the praise but we've got our hands full and praise won't see us though it. What'll help is your safe travels. God speed and don't take any unnecessary turns, get those kids there safely. We're counting on good news, that'll keep us going these dark days." he looks back down the road and sighs. "Any of you see an overturned cart on the way up? I'm headed down to check it out."

Ashley perks up and hops down, "Ashley at your service Steggie, yeah we did in fact, it looked like a wreck alright, the Rothés broke free and are menacing passers by and those things are tough. We just thanked our luck they weren't rampaging. There were no signs of anyone but they might have been hiding. That's all we saw." 
Deception [1d20+6=13]  

''He shakes his head, "Well met Mis Ashley, it just keeps getting worse. Well get to safety as soon as you can. I'll be back this way later tonight, so I might catch back up to you and escort you the rest of the way, Neverwinter has an obligation to reinforce this road."

"Let'em have it Steggie, don't worry about us," Ashley says with a smile and a wink.

He smiles back and with a good day to Cat and Yulya he's off down the road kicking up dust and gravel as his horse gallops with all haste.


Unfortunately, the poor old horses have reached their limit, they just can't go any further and the cart grinds to a halt. They're restless, hungry and tired, near exhaustion.

> Poor horses Nya! I am sorry for the detour Nya!
Cat uses animal handling to move the cart to the side of the road out of the way. [1d20+3=10] The sleepy horses reluctantly pull the cart another 20 feet to get to the side of the road with Cat's coaxing and she gives the horses feed and water from the glass jar then pats them with her paws. They're so tired they barely eat, but they manage as horses always do where food is concerned. Soon they're snoozing right where they stand.

> What a blunder so close to our destination! We have used our share of luck for today it seems! Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive.

Cat, is to answer Yulya here and make her choices. Since she's been riding a good portion of the way she can run 5 miles in about an hour if she chooses to.