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"Cat can I bother you again to go to the neverwinter gate and see if you can enter? Report to the guild and Freya if they let you in. Maybe she can arrange something for the kids before we arrive." Yulya asks to her faithful friend.

"Nyahaha of course! Been sitting for too long today Nya this is a nice evening walk Nya! I'll hurry Nya! And I'll use that smoke ringy-thingy if there's trouble Nya!"
And with that she rushes off to Neverwinter

With her keen night vision, even with very little light, she's able to keep the road in sight, even starlight is enough to guide her. She sees no sign of the cloaked humanoids or anyone else as she runs the High Road in the last leg to Neverwinter. The city looms in the distance, its light house like a diamond shining in the night.

Cat pushes herself, running flat out, [1d20=16] and given the importance of the matter she's able to reach the gates by 22:00.

They're well lit, and unguarded and utterly closed. 
[Perception 1d20+3=10]

Though she can't make out any words, her sensitive ears can just make out a faint conversation beyond the door. There's no sign or otherwise marking of a reason for the closure other than it's well into the night and even guards need rest. There doesn't seem to be an emergency at least.

Action Required of Cat: Cat can decide what to do next here.


As Cat leaves, Yulya and Alice contemplate their next moves.
[Possible actions #1]

[22:00 1d20=19]
You hear the tell tale sound of hoofbeats in the distance to the south and a light wreathed in dust approaches. It seems to pick up the pace as it gets nearer. It's too far to make out but obviously someone on horseback.

[Required action]