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thumbnail of Cat Nonsense.gif
Cat Nonsense gif
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> "You're not a dragon are you? Cat ears, paws, eyes, no, no dragon would masquerade as catfolk, come in. You shouldn't travel the roads at night. Did the road master pass you? We're asking of anyone's seen anything strange, beasts, bandits, dragons, have you?"
Cat is overjoyed she made it into the city and shows it, gesticulating wildly releasing a waterfall of words
Nyahaha thank you very much!
Nyo I'm Tabaxy Nya no draon Nya but we saw one last night Nya at the rest stop Nya we spotted it first Nya the horses were acting strange Nya it was huuuge Nya surrounded by some darkness magic thingy Nya only saw green eyes Nya it had such power Nya we couldn't even move Nya I'm a warrior Nya but even I was terrified, terrified Nyaaa it paralyzed everyone and everything Nya then it dragged away an entire ox Nya we only heard it eat Nya, tore the poor animal apart Nya!
Cat makes a crunching sound with her paw knuckles
Then it flew off Nya whooosh Nya!
Cat thrown her paws in the air and jumps, imitating the dragon

'It could have killed us all Nya we almost attacked it with bow and arrow not knowing what it is Nyahaha crazy Nya that would have ended badly Nya I had never seen a dragon before Nya only heard stories Nya they are crazy crazy strong Nya I'll never forget what I saw Nya! But they can turn into humans too Nya? I didn't know that Nya!

Oh yeah the roadmaster Nya saw him go south Nya in the afternoon Nya what was his Name again Nya something with -star at the end Nya don't remember Nya but he was nice Nya!

So thanks again Nya gotta go to the guild Nya we have a cart full of kids stranded out there Nya 5 miles outside the gate Nya I ran here to report Nya! They're in danger Nya! See ya Nya!