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> He shows the trader's plate to Yulya, "Do you know what this is? No trader would just drop it," he reads "Yalen von Brassels, good lord he's the son of a Darren von Brassels, a prominent Marquess of Baldur's Gate." he frets "We'll never hear the end of this, the relations between Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter was never that great to begin with. This could cause rising tensions to boil over. Let's prey it doesn't come to war.
Fuck, I should have dissolved that plate. I knew that nigger must have been high ranking to drag a dozen kids after his cart in bright daylight without giving a fuck. Without the plate it would have been just some overturned cart without valuable cargo.

But still that doesn't make any sense. Why would the son of a marquis drive a cart as ranger and try to enslave people on a road? Who says the guy we killed and ate was actually Yalen and not someone posing as him with his plate? The Spellsword had a disguise spell after all. We gotta find out what Yalen looked like.

And where the hell were they trying to go? Neverwinter?
Waltz into the city saying I'm the son of Darren von Brassels from Baldur's Gate and these are my slave kids I just stole from an orphanage, coming through!?
The purse suggest so but also suggests they were executing a job for someone else.

And what did they want with the furniture and reading lamps? I know nobles are insane but this just stinks. On the other hand, Ferdinand seems to be no different, maybe they had some deal going on. I wonder what he will taste like. We will roast him like a piggy

> Dragon disguised as human
Oh fuck me, sure, I'm the dragon, beat me to death, will you?
I'm staying hidden. Not that I can come out now, completely naked. Guess I'll use the usual procedure for entering the city and save us 5gp again

Anyway I'm outta ideas. Thanks to someone's lying we gotta come up with a new story. The original one that we freed the kids and the culprits drove off doesn't work anymore. Cat is right, never lie more than absolutely necessary. Fact is that the kids can identify the cart and possibly Yalen if questioned. Not to speak cat will probably spill it all to Freya anyway. At this point we can only hope we didn't kill the real Yalen but an impostor.

I'm glad I don't have to talk, I hate lying.
So what can Yulya say how we acquired the kids without getting us into more trouble.

We picked up the kids in distress thats why we turned around, they appear to come from an orphanage, maybe they 

>  We could make a name for ourselves, "The Death Squad" or "Reapers of Neverwinter" or even darker, "Soul Reapers." Yeah, a odd assortment of chaotic adventurers plaguing bandits, slavers of nobility and dragons alike! I'm excited.
We're the Neverwinter Pest and Weed Control. Your first address when it comes to removing pests like dragons or weeds like nobles.

I'm already working on a few anti-dragon devices that can be assembled with the stone-age technology of this world. Joy will hate them. I leave dealing with the aftermath of killing nobles to our high CHA members