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> Who says the guy we killed and ate was actually Yalen and not someone posing as him with his plate? The Spellsword had a disguise spell after all. We gotta find out what Yalen looked like.

A true crime fan I see.

> The purse suggest so but also suggests they were executing a job for someone else.

This is getting interesting!

> Guess I'll use the usual procedure for entering the city and save us 5gp again

You have ID, so there is no fee, and being naked on the road between cities isn't an enforced crime. The jurisdiction of civil crimes ends at the gates. Crimes against the city, its traders, adventurers and registered properties is a different story but in your case that would be Baldur's Gate's problem.

> Joy will hate them.
We'll see.

> lying
[Ashley] the gods know everything, Freya and I have Godsight so we can speak directly to them if they choose to talk to us, especially at an orb. So technically the gods need to rat us out for Freya to know the truth and then Freya would have to rat us out. So my plan is to come clean to Freya, from our secret conversation she basically said she doesn't care what we do as long as it's not evil. We didn't commit evil persay we defended ourselves and saved children and possibly caught people in the act of human trafficking, I wonder what happened to the old orphanage manager? Did they kill her? We should have inspected the cargo. We know they had a lot of furniture and lamps, the kids said they packed up everything from the orphanage, were they going to set up their own orphanage? Maybe as a means of suppling a consistent source of slaves? I wouldn't put it past a noble to do this. I can't wait to hear what Freya says to Cat.