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Yulya sighs both relieved the approaching rider was the roadmaster and terrified he is showing her the plate of the man her party just killed and riddling her with questions. This cannot be real it must be a bad dream. What is it with roadmasters causing her such trouble? Oh yes they are humans! Yulya thinks about her cabin and swimming in crystal clear lakes. She speaks her mind to relieve stress hoping not to spill anything
I am glad its you Sir good to see you!
We are quite in a pinch. My party split to get help from Neverwinter and an hour ago we were surprised by a group of black robed people that came out of nowhere and disappeared again. They were not hostile but it was a shock. What a place to be stranded and this without our partys main fighting force. This is my first day of driving a cart and to be honest our very first quest as adventurers.
Yulya showns him her brand new copper plate

Yesterday a puma jumped on our cart from behind and we also witnessed that dragon. What a day! You say they can turn into humans too? Have there been such incidents? It did have extremely powerful magic. I wish I had such but I am not a dragon but a mere lv1 cleric. Yet I think I know some spells even a dragon cannot learn without the blessing of the gods.

Yulya keeps staring at the merchant plate
The son of a marquis you say? Is it not odd? What was he doing on such a mediocre cart? We did not get a good look at the cargo but it looked like furniture and household supplies. Is this man really that high ranking? Pardon my ignorance I lived as a hermit until recently. Only the increase in danger forced me to seek refuge in Neverwinter and become an adventurer. So I know nothing about the nobility of Baldurs gate. Did you know this man personally?

By the way did you manage to deliver my message to Sir Gundren or one of his acquaintances? We were on the way to Phandalin when we picked up these children in distress. They said they were from an orphanage but men came and took them away by force. They were chained and completely exhausted so we do not know the full story. It will take a while until they recover but it looks like illegal slavery. We turned around to bring them to Neverwinter hoping the guild can arrange something for them. That is why our horses became exhausted. We hoped we could make it back - we could not just leave the kids out there on the road right? And taking them to Phandalin would have been too dangerous. Even if we have to pay their entrance fee to the city we will bring them to safety. But we need to inform Sir Gundren about our detour.

You know when we left Neverwinter some of the many refugees stranded outside the city approached our cart. A woman with children that were starving. Sir Gundren gave them enough money to enter Neverwinter and register with the guild. Even promised to check on them after his return. He is a great man and we wish to follow his example. There are still good people even in these difficult times so we must not lose hope! We must try our best to return this world to order and peace! This is my mission!
Yulya is surprised actually shocked she managed to talk herself into an inspiring sermon. But she may have said more than she wanted to.