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Cat spots Freya and Brutus and rushes to them gesticulating wildly as usual. She sees others too, some she's never seen before.

Frey is sitting at the table with three other adventurers, two of which she hasn't formally met.
"Cat? You're back! So how did-"

> Nyaa Freya!
> And Brutus Nya!
> Good you are here Nya we need some help Nya!
Cat is out of breath and spills her story in short fragments full of Nyas
> We're back Nya!
> But in trouble Nya had to turn around Nya picked up a dozen children Nya at Triboar trail Nya couldn't go on Nya and Gundren was gone Nya went back to the stop Nya then I rode back again to leave a message Nya for Gundren Nya and then we tried to get back here together Nya but the horses are tired Nya broke down before the city Nya cart is stuck there Nya ran here Nya but the others are still out there Nya the guard let me in Nya thought I was a dragon Nya we saw the dragon Nya it was huuge Nya...
Cat aburuptly pauses, stops gesticulating, and her dramatic pose shrinks, her tail and ears droop.

Freya listens intently but only understands bits and pieces.

"We need to alert the city guard, they'll hel-"

> ...and Nyaa other bad things happened Nya...
Cat looks to Freya for help with big kitty eyes.

"Well, now let's calm down Cat, we can sort this out, the night's still young."
She gestures, "Cat, this is Brutus, Kessandra, and Grœt, everyone, this is Cat part of a team of four newly initiated.''

"Yes, I'd never forget a fellow Barbarian!" Brutus says proudly. "Are you ready to spar yet?" He chuckles.
"It's a pleasure Cat, though I wish it was better circumstances and I hope you can come to a resolution to your stuck cart." Kessandra says with a kind, silky tone.

"Excuse him, he lost a bet recently and is still sore about it. So, let's figure this out," Brutus says with a friendly tone.

"Excuse us Brutus et. al., I would like to speak to her in private first, better that we don't involve anyone in things that might get sticky." Freya's intuition was pinging her to take this carefully.

"We'll be happy to help if needed," Kessandra said.

"You're quite the chatterbox this evening Grœt," Kessandra said to him.

Freya escorted Cat to a back room, magically dampened for sound and listened to everything Cat had to say again. She paid carful attention and didn't detect any lies or deception.

"I see, so what exactly did you do, please do not leave out any details, you're safe here with me. I could care less about laws, I only have one obligation in this room and that's about whether what has happened was evil or not. Even then, circumstances matter." Freya had an inkling that something bad happened.

Cat, you can summarize and skip as you see fit, but tell Freya anything you thinks she should know in this private room.